I'll be serving ten months with Americorps NCCC in Vinton, IA and I will blog about it here for friends and family.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Where's Waldo?
Well to update you all...
I'm in Iowa, yet again. Will be here for a couple weeks, I'm technically on vacation right now then when everyone else comes back there will be a week of transition/midyear trainings. During break I have three days I'm working, tonight, Monday, and Tuesday. Today I'll be working at a parade to make sure traffic doesn't interfere with the parade. Monday and Tuesday I'll be working at an animal shelter. During midyear we'll brief on our next project and I'll get chain saw trained! I'm really excited to go through chain saw training, but underneath the excitement is a bunch of nervousness and doubt...but it'll be okay! I am looking forward to getting every new opprotunity out of Americorps that I can :) I don't want to pass up a chance to do something potentially life changing just because I'm nervous...what's the fun in that?!
Break is so relieving, people are still on campus but there's a lot less people since many people went home..it's really nice. I am also a Van POC so I have keys to a van on campus so if I can gather enough people (which hasn't been an issue thus far) we can go travel a little bit..while staying in our 25 mile radius area :p
My next project is in Collegeville, Minnesota. We'll be working at a college helping to build deer fence around acres of Oak trees! Apparently the deer population has outgrown that of the oaks and they're hindering the growth of the forest! So we're just going to fence in the trees to give them a chance to grow! Also removing some invasive species? I haven't had the chance to do that really yet..should be a new adventure! Also there's a chance we'll be bottling some syrup? They have the best syrup in Minnesota apparently but it's not sold...you only get it if you work with it somehow SO MAYBE I'LL GET SOME SYRUP yay :) the perks of community service! We all know how I love pancakes soooooo yeah.
That's about it...I miss Minot but I'm sure to have a break.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Last week in Minot!
My time here is coming to an end, and honestly im excited to move on. Minot is an awesome city with awesome people, and the work here has been super fun - however there's just not enough work to go around sometimes. The times we have work its always fun and interesting, but sometimes we're doing a lot of busy work which is very defeating. Personally I rather be doing hard labor amd helping than doing easy busy work. It's not our sponsors fault its just slowing down around here a little, but the sponsors positivity helps the team to stay focused on the task at hand no matter how trivial it may seem. For example, we've sorted and wrapped a ton of siding for homes..the task itself is tedious and annoying but in the bigger picture wrapping/sorting the siding has helped the warehouse make more siding deliveries...so althoughits annoying in the long run it still is helping home owners get closer to normality.
BUT this past week some of us have been doing restorative lawn care! That has genuinely been fun, we worked with a few older men from another church hydroseeding yards. I love the work, sometimes raking a tilled yard can be tedious and annoying but you get instant gratification from home owners, and seeing who you're personally helping is a good feeling! They're all so thankful its very rewarding. The old men we work with are fantastic too, Vern, Marlan, Dennis, and Blaine have all taken us under their wing and been very nice. Blaine is probably the one I like the most he was special ops Army, actually helped rescue Marcus Lutteral who wrote Lone Survivor...he is an all around amazing person who has given so much to his country and continues even though he's retired.
Im very thankful for the people and places I've met/gone with A,Americorps but I think Minot will be one of my best memories..you cant quite explain the feeling of giving back to a community who needs help, it feels good to do good
And its not over yet, this coming week we'll continue yards and warehouse deliveries (hopefully there are deliveries) and next weekend we're doing a community day in which we'll paint 1,000 stars of hope for Moore, OK. Its going to be fun! I hope to leave Minot a little better off than when we got here, I know im already better off because of Minot....but it will be nice to have cell phone service again :p
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Relay for life!
After working 8 hours at the warehouse, we came back to Hope Village for a hour then headed back out to Minot State University to help with the relay which went from 6pm-6am! It was quite the event...
We got there and helped set up a few things, then it was really slow (work wise) for a while. My team was there along with Ceder 6; we helped moved chairs/tabels where/when needed, take down inflateables, and keep an eye on the candels.
The event started with the introduction of the event to the relay teams, some speakers, then the initial lap was done solely by survivors...it was a beautiful sight. Truly inspiring. The next lap was done by the caretakers, the love and compassion was almost tangible in the atmosphere. The relay start and throughout the night there was music and side things such as zumba, hip hop dancing, bingo, raffles, silent auctions, and other various games.
It was really nice to be there, but I must admit being up for 24 hours a totally new thing to me, I went INSANE! We didn't have constant work, just minor things between sit up and break down..so we were able to partake in activities and walking, I had several phases of sleepy-awake-borderline death-extremely hype-calm...it was interesting..one example was when zumba started we all were sitting at our table annoyed by the dancing people and how we couldn't dance (we're all very uncordinated) then a half hour later we're all up dancing with each other and running around like psychos...pretty sure we were all delierious. Another portion of the night was me laying on the bleachers face down, falling off the first seat onto the sub-bleacher which is meant to be a foot rest, then onto the asphalt, only to do the YMCA dance when the song came on while laying on the ground...I was a pitiful sight! haha When we were working it wasn't bad though, it was really fun. I got to light the luminaries that spelled out HOPE. It was really nice. The woman working with us was so thankful and gave us goodies! I got a key chain, a draw string bag, and a lot of free food :)
I was truly inspired by the event and happy I was able to partake in it! I also got 12 hours of ISP work which boosted me up to 64.5 hours! Getting closer and closer to my 100 hour goal :)
being up 24 hours really allowed the team to show how insane we really are haha...it was one of the most memorable nights thus far! Loved every minute of it though!
Only two more weeks left here in Minot until I go back to Vinton...looking forward to a break but I will truely miss Minot. It's such a nice city with lovely people...it may be in the middle of no where but it's worth a visit. The people here are magnificent - one guy here helped us when we moved a lady out of her house, he was volunteering after school; then we saw him at a cook out we went to, then we saw him somewhere else, then at relay for life! He's just one example of how involved the the people of the community are and how hard they truely work around here...it's really encouraging to see someone put so much of their time into the larger picture.

Monday, June 3, 2013
- In regards to Oklahoma, my team will not be going there. Here's how the program works: there are 5 campus' that serve different parts of the country and although a team CAN leave their region it's only for natural disasters...which may make you ask "well Brandy it's a natural disaster..aren't you going?"...No I'm not, the order of responders in this case is as follows: South Central Region campus in Denver, CO; secondly FEMA CORPS would respond is need be; thirdly, teams from out side of the region. FEMA corps is wrapping up their service year now, so they're outta here for the most part (from what I understand) and there are probably teams there was the south central region campus..and there has been rumors of teams from NCR going out there however my team cannot be pulled to go there. We're already on a disaster project which is a high priority - there's a heirarchy of projects that range from important to less important, for example, working at the YMCA camp was probably a little less important than flood repair...not saying the work wasn't needed but just in a disaster instance that's how it's viewed. So yes a team or two may be sent down there, highly unlikely though, and no I will not be going there in the future
- Graduation, What I know for sure is that graduation is 3pm November 13. On November 14, we all go home. It will be in Vinton at a local high school, if you want to come out feel free :) rent a care and a hotel room and explore Vinton...it'll take you all of 5 minutes to get around town!
Vacation is coming up which is exciting..although I'll be working probably the entire time but oh well. I will be staying on campus in Vinton, again if anyone has funds and wants to visit you're more than welcome to the little town and me! But I'll probably just hangout around town, relax at the pool (if it's not freezing) and work. I want to get some of my ISP hours out of the way and I plan to just do a few hours (maybe 3-4) a day at the library or animal shelter...other than working and sleeping I have no plans...it's super exciting I know...
that's about all...speaking of ISPs I have a 12 hour one coming up soon, it'll be a 24 hour day for me...haha wish me luck! It's with the relay for life and apparently around 2am we can start walking with people to serve as motivation...should be interesting. I'm all about getting the hours out of the way..I need 100 and I already have a little over 50 :)
I'll be heading back to Vinton on June 24th so any mail people send please send accordingly :)