Monday, June 3, 2013

It's June and still a chilly 40 degrees here in the mornings...during the day you break a sweat in the 50 degree weather...haha oh and tons of rain!
Quickly to answer the questions I've been getting from several people:
  • In regards to Oklahoma, my team will not be going there. Here's how the program works: there are 5 campus' that serve different parts of the country and although a team CAN leave their region it's only for natural disasters...which may make you ask "well Brandy it's a natural disaster..aren't you going?"...No I'm not, the order of responders in this case is as follows: South Central Region campus in Denver, CO; secondly FEMA CORPS would respond is need be; thirdly, teams from out side of the region. FEMA corps is wrapping up their service year now, so they're outta here for the most part (from what I understand) and there are probably teams there was the south central region campus..and there has been rumors of teams from NCR going out there however my team cannot be pulled to go there. We're already on a disaster project which is a high priority - there's a heirarchy of projects that range from important to less important, for example, working at the YMCA camp was probably a little less important than flood repair...not saying the work wasn't needed but just in a disaster instance that's how it's viewed. So yes a team or two may be sent down there, highly unlikely though, and no I will not be going there in the future
  • Graduation, What I know for sure is that graduation is 3pm November 13. On November 14, we all go home. It will be in Vinton at a local high school, if you want to come out feel free :) rent a care and a hotel room and explore'll take you all of 5 minutes to get around town!
We have been really slow with work - like really slow...last week we learned how to sanitize a house by observing another team do it...then we organized the we're putting up drywall. HOWEVER THERE'S A BRIGHT HORIZON...we'll probably be doing work with a different organization out here from now on just because LDR is having a hard time finding enough work for us, so we'll still be doing warehouse stuff but in adition to that we'll be working with the Minonites. Tomorrow we're doing deliveries then hopefully working with the Minonites after that.

Vacation is coming up which is exciting..although I'll be working probably the entire time but oh well. I will be staying on campus in Vinton, again if anyone has funds and wants to visit you're more than welcome to the little town and me! But I'll probably just hangout around town, relax at the pool (if it's not freezing) and work. I want to get some of my ISP  hours out of the way and I plan to just do a few hours (maybe 3-4) a day at the library or animal shelter...other than working and sleeping I have no's super exciting I know...

that's about all...speaking of ISPs I have a 12 hour one coming up soon, it'll be a 24 hour day for me...haha wish me luck! It's with the relay for life and apparently around 2am we can start walking with people to serve as motivation...should be interesting. I'm all about getting the hours out of the way..I need 100 and I already have a little over 50 :)

I'll be heading back to Vinton on June 24th so any mail people send please send accordingly :)


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