Friday, March 28, 2014

The possibility of a return?!

I just submitted my application for a team leader position for Winter 2015. I can't believe where I am today thanks in great part to NCCC...I see this blog is still getting traffic? I'm curious who is viewing it still but if you're a potential applicant I will go on record as strongly recommending you take a risk and go! The quote of life beginning at the end of your comfort zone is so's a tough experience but it's worth all the blood, sweat, and tears!  :)

Here's my motivational statement from my most recent application - hope my happiness and passion for the program comes across well and you will take the chance and apply!

"... those ten months were arguably the best of my life. I expanded my views of the world and was able to gain a deeper understanding of self. Before NCCC I didn’t have much self-confidence, and I definitely wouldn’t take charge of a group of people. By round five of my corps year I was confident enough to engage other volunteers... I gained so much self-confidence and happiness during my corps year I hope to go back and help others discover themselves through service. The biggest lesson I learned was that you can only help and discover yourself when you’re outside of your comfort zone and providing service for others, I hope to pass that bit of wisdom onto the next class of NCCC members while continuing to hone my own leadership skills. I also feel that NCCC erased preconceived notions I had of myself.... I truly believe that AmeriCorps National Civilian Community Corps set me on a more positive read to health and well-being and I hope to continue that journey forward with another service term."

I've omitted a good portion of it but you get the idea! :)