Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter weekend

We went to Indy yesterday - I don't have that natural curiosity to explore cities so I just followed around a couple friends. It was really nice though. Bigger than Richmond, and also cleaner. Had a lot to do, looked like a great city to live in or around. We went to several war memorials and climbed one, it was 330 stairs - and also aprox 1000 degrees at the top. But I'm glad we did it, felt accomplished. We also went to the art museum which again isn't something I'd normally run towards but it turned out pretty well. So far the lesson in life is try new things and might like them.
I also love the town of Greensburg though! So cute, reminds me of Colonial Heights kind of but also has a cute aspect kind of like Old Town Petersburg. I've been telling my friend here that I'm going to live in Greensburg but visit Indy on the weekends. The distance is comparable to the distance between Matoaca and Richmond. Not too bad.
As far as Easter plans I think we're doing an Easter egg hunt. None of the staff are here since it's a YMCA camp so it's a little more empty than normal.

Not much else going on, I finished my scholarship packet and started FAFSA so I can do a semester of school when I get back. I've also looked at different opportunities,  with other Americorps programs (simply because it's too early to apply to the job I want for next year). The job I want next year is Support Team Leader, it's more of an administrative job in which you obviously SUPPORT the team leaders. I wouldn't have a team that went out and worked, I'd just stay on campus the entire 11 months. I'd earn a second education award and the pay is significantly better.
I want to go to Vinton again because I like the area and I LOVE the staff but I know that'd be taking the easy way I'm thinking about Denver. I hear so many fantastic things about Colorado, Denver in particular but I just want to talk to someone out there most likely a corps member and see how they feel about the staff/location just to get another perspective.

umm, that's about it though. Hope you guys back at home are having a good Easter. I woke up at 730 to wash clothes haha...exciting!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Flatrock YMCA

We got here a couple weeks ago, so far I really like it and I feel like we're allgetting into the groove. As far as work there's been several assignments: wood splitting, painting,  scraping paint, jack hammers, clearing trails, as well as more to come. My favorite so far has been splitting wood :)
We've painted four cabins' interiors and will begin on the exteriors soon.
On the weekends we typically have free time, but free time is also known as team time. Last weekend we went to Shelbyville which was a nice little town,  also saw oz :) good movie!
This weekend we worked! We did an isp, independent service project, with the local YMCA. We helped with a parents' night out and an Easter egg hunt/healthy kids day today. A lot of fun and a good feeling afterwards.  Only 90 more isp hours to go!
Weather here is similar to Virginia. Bipolar. Today is in the 50s but tomorrow is supposed to blizzard so it's interesting. When the weather is rough we just stay inside, the four cabins got painted while it was freezing outside. The next few weeks we will be doing more labor intensive work so hopefully the weather cooperates!

Thats about all for now, I love Indiana :) good luck with the snow in va, welcome to my life!

First week at flatrock

Been a lot of fun! The staff are amazing, had a great orientation to the camp, learned a lot. Theres a lot of work to be far I split wood (my favorite! ), filled in a trench which was about 400 yards, painted some of a cabin, scraped peeling paint off a house, and vacuumed around 150 beds! Impressive right?! Not much else, went to town today took all of 2 minutes to go through st paul!
More work to come and a lot more fun. Today I learned to belay! Excited! Saturday we're going to Shelbyville :) movies and shopping!
The housing is so nice, ill try to get pictures soon.  Also the food here is FANTASTIC!  Everything is prepared for us, life of luxury!

Ill update more later!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

New plans

Looking at majors and programs that I want to look into after americorps, getting excited.
Apparently my team is going to have days biweekly to focus on life after really looking forward to that!
I have several ideas that range from military to doing more service work. Probably going to VCU but as far as my major im's between environmental science, parks and rec, and natural sciences. Which are all related but not the same so i just need to figure out which is the best.

I have plenty of time but im already feeling the pressure. I am going to write VCU about doubling my grant money which a lot of schools do so I hope they will...oh well cant hurt to ask.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just a little information

It looks like my schedule will be M-F 9-5 generally not including time for ISPs and team time so seems like I'll have weekends free. I also believe I'll be able to receive mail directly to that location but I won't know for sure for another few days probably.

I know small things, like letters or other envelopes will be forwarded from the Iowa campus but i know boxes won't be sooo just have to remember I can't order anything online during that time. That's as far as I know, unless they tell me otherwise.

Sending some stuff home today since I've founded I don't need everything I brought.

I'm trying to be so organized around here but it's so difficult, I have millions of lists.

Sidenote: it's a little odd knowing this is my last week here for a while, but I'm also excited. Plus the chance of maybe seeing my mom while I'm in Indiana is pretty cool.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

First Round

I will be going to St. Paul, Indiana! Flat Rock YMCA camp :)
They cater our food, we stay in cabins, I'll have wifi and phone survice, and access to basically everything I need! 45 minutes from Indianapolis.
We'll be doing everything from trail building to infostructure improvement to teaching environmental science classes! So hype :) I'm legit super happy.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

CTI project overview

I really enjoyed our project! It was only 3 days about 8 hours a day. It was so fun yet fulfilling at the same time. The Science Center was a small center because their old facitility was ruined in the floods of 2008 but their spirit and determination more than made up for their lack of space.
While there we organized A LOT and packed A LOT of totes for their education program. Personally I researched ciriculum for the home schooled children, and also put together a packet of information on their programs they offer so that they could give teachers/schools a copy so they have an idea of what's available. I worked in the office with the manager a lot and I felt really good about it, she was so friendly and personable. I loved the experience and plan to return while performing ISPs in the future. It's just such a great experience, I'm so glad this was our first project. It really brought my team together. We felt each other out and saw how everyone else worked and how we interacted in a professional sense. We're by no means perfect but we're pretty close :)
I'll post some pictures later of the project..a lot of my jobs were packing totes, and behind a computer.
Everyone I've talked to has loved their sponser and their projects, this is the beginning to something amazing and I (along with the rest of the corps) cannot wait to continue on!

Photo: Love Michael!
Photo: At least 7 more in various places including a huge truck :(
saw a lot of vehicles like this, including a huge 18 least 20 cars/trucks in the ditch like that.

Oh and my team has a facebook fan page!!/pages/NCCC-Oak-3/154310184727346